Monday, December 25, 2006

The Via Ferrata

Two things happen after you spend a day suspended by two ropes and some wire 100 metres above the ground:
1. Your arms hurt more than you've ever experienced before.
2. You have mysterious dreams that you are falling from the side of a mountain while you are asleep.
Yesterday was probably one of the most thrilling days of my life. For five straight hours,
Mark, Jon, Carmen, and I, along with 8 others, dangled by a mere metre of rope and a couple of carabeners from the side of the "Snake Gorge" on a mountain, scaling a course known as the "Via Ferrata". Via Ferratas exist mainly in Oman and Italy...and they used to serve as passageways for soldiers to transport equipment through the mountains.
Well...i can't even fathom carrying more than my own weight through the gorge...however, my arms are pretty scronny.
So, anyways...the pictures you see are of us four and some other randoms clinging to the side of a gorge roughly 100 metres above the ground.
The 'adventure' also consisted of 3 zip lines and a monkey bridge which served as our means of getting from one side of the gorge to the other.
I'll admit, I'm afraid of heights...and to be quite honest, the entire thing felt like a dream. I still can't believe I did it. Carmen and I continually referred to ourselves as being in a state of denial...I'm pretty sure that's what got me through.
But to be honest, it was so sweet to experience it with my brothers and sister. This may sound nerdy, but I truly think it made us appreciate our differences, and really taught us, in a short
time, how to encourage one another when we were panicked.

Wait, let me rephrase really taught my brothers how to, in a short time, encourage me and Carmen when we were in states of panic.

My mom asked me today if I would do it again ...well, it was a very interesting way to spend my Christmas eve day, however...I'm pretty sure I'd do it again at the drop of a hat.
Or maybe I've had my first taste of living adventurously...and now I'm just going to have to go out and do some more daring things...
don't tell my mom.


Blogger Bonnie said...

Leens!!! That looks incredible! Wish I could've been there to see you "dangling." :) So glad to hear you guys are having a blast! Take care! Love ya tons!

10:49 AM  

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