Thursday, December 07, 2006

Have you ever kissed a camel?

I have.
And honestly, you might be disgusted (in fact, I'm sure you are...I kind of am too), but they have really soft lips.
Oh dear...well...I didn't begin this blog to talk about my weird endeavors...
I was just looking through my pictures and I got super excited because in exactly two weeks today, I will be finished exams, and on a plane with my two brothers and my sister-in-law, on the way to see our parents in Oman.
I can't wait.
However, I must first endure a german test, a german final, a chemistry final, a biology final, and a calculus final. Great, eh? Oh well. I think I'll make it...atleast I hope I will.
Other interesting news? Well, I phoned the cable company to cancel the free cable that they were giving me for a month (the month was over and I didn't want to start paying)...anyways, to make a long story short...someone at shaw forgot to cancel it, and I still have cable...which is great cuz I can still watch Grey's and oprah (yes, i watch oprah)...but horrible because I also need to study.
I went to see the movie 'Babel'...with Brad Pitt and some other yahoos. It was good, alot like the movie 'crash'...however, it had some really weird parts, including full female that threw me off....a lot. Funny how it was only rated 14A. Oh, Canada.
Um...I'm reading the 'Harry Potter' books. Ya, yah...i know...but they are so incredibly good. But I'll admit, I feel a bit childish walking around campus with books that have wizards and boys on brooms cartooned all over the covers...(I do my best to conceal them). Betty also reads them, and back in June she bought the latest one, got about half way through, turned from page 250 to what you would assume to be page 251, and 75. Isn't that funny. Well, I recently bought the first one, and was about half way through, turning from page 128 to what I would assume to be 129, and 78. Needless to say, either the publishers are completely illiterate, or they just happen to have no idea what they're doing. Wouldn't be surprised with either cases, actually.
Dancing continues to be great, and Starbucks is good...except that my hands seem to smell like coffee 24/7...which is rather interesting. And I'm pretty sure that i'll never develop Osteoperosis, because I drink a ton of milk...
Oh, and one last really weird story. I have this necklace that says my name in Arabic. Last week I was doing homework at none other than starbucks (at school)...and all of the sudden this guy has come up behind me, leaned over my books and is staring necklace...which was kind of awkward, and by kind of I mean really, because I didn't really clue in right away that he was staring at my necklace if you know what I mean. Anyways, I jumped back, and he was startled...(no kidding), and I said "Hello!"...rather forcefully (atleast I'd like to think I did). Then he started off into a little rant about seeing me walk by and noticing my necklace and not being sure whether it was what he thought it was...."uh huh"...I said. He asked me if I was from the middle east and I said my parents were...anyways, turns out he spoke arabic and my necklace actually says 'Kasleen'...ha ha. I guess they couldn't write out the 'th' in silver because it has three dots on it or something. So, the whole situation turned out ok, however, you would think someone might rather come up and say "excuse me, I noticed your necklace while you walked you mind if I look at it?"...instead of just coming up and just STARING at it...ha ha.
Well, that's all...I'll be off to study deutch. Auf Wiedersehen!


Blogger Bonnie said...

Why do you have to be so far away!? Every time I read your blog I just want to weep like a stinkin' baby cuz i miss hanging out with you. Seriously though...we need to talk before you leave for Oman! Let's try hard ok!? ....OK!!
Good luck with exams...i'll be thinking of you...and being thankful it isn't me writing them ;)

7:34 PM  
Blogger Trev and Rebekah said...

Trev and I want to watch Babel one of these days. We just recently watched that Nativity Story and really liked that.
Have a great trip to Oman.

10:06 PM  

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